
Uttar Pradesh has the largest school education system in India. Over the last few decades, while the state has achieved near universal school enrollment, learning outcomes of students remain poor as highlighted by several reports such as NAS and ASER. Keeping in line with the draft New Education Policy, the state government has recognized the importance of ensuring universal acquisition of foundational literacy and numeracy, i.e., ability to read with meaning and solve for basic maths, as key to improving the quality of education. To this end, Samagra’s NIPUN Bharat Cell is working with the Government of Uttar Pradesh to ensure that all primary school students are able to attain foundational literacy and numeracy skills by 2026.

Primary Schools

Samagra’s approach to transforming school education combines both academic and administrative reforms. This means we focus as much on improving the quality of classroom interactions between students and teachers (shifting focus from syllabus completion to competency-based teaching, providing ongoing mentoring and training support for teachers, improving quality of teaching learning material), as on making the education system administratively more efficient (reducing teacher and student absenteeism, introducing an efficient teacher transfer mechanism, strengthening field offices). These academic and administrative reforms are combined with accountability initiatives such as cascaded review and monitoring mechanisms and third-party assessments, to keep track of progress and carry out timely corrective action.

Supporting the state in setting a quantifiable target for improving foundational literacy and numeracy
Working with academic partners to develop the instructional design and pedagogy strategy for the state
Developing a tech tool to measure progress made by students on key academic metrics